Fax Automation
“I need a strategy to meet my key IT&T requirements. I need it scalable, reliable, proven, and easy for my business users.”
From server to database to networking and everything in between, including resilience and application integrations, we can tick your IT&T checklist. We can leverage our experience to provide multiple deployment options to meet your strategy goals and IT&T requirements.
Axient is a market leading Value Added Reseller (VAR) of flexible messaging and digital transaction solutions, adding value through excellent professional and technical services delivered through an IT Service Management (ITSM) framework. Whether you are looking for on-premise or cloud based solutions, we have your messaging and digital transaction business processes covered.
Are you looking to future proof or upgrade your messaging systems? Axient offer a flexible suite of messaging solutions that have the ability to integrate with your existing systems; enhanced with extensive product knowledge, service and on-going support:
The EasyLink messaging solution from OpenText is a 100% outsourced “cloud” email-based faxing service that allows your employees to send and receive faxes as electronic messages, directly from their existing email accounts or a web client, anytime and anywhere. It eliminates the need for fax servers, fax machines, and related infrastructure, reducing fax costs while improving productivity. As a fully hosted service, the EasyLink solution can be integrated with your existing email system quickly – often within days – at no risk and no capital cost.
Increase employee productivity and reduce expensive paper, telephony, and hardware costs by integrating fax into your front-office, back-office, and desktop applications. OpenText RightFax is the No. 1 network fax solution in the world. It is a premise-based fax solution which automates time-intensive manual paper-driven processes by integrating them into your business applications and systems. It impacts your ROI by streamlining document workflow, reducing costs and increasing productivity.
With little or no change to existing processes, OpenText StreamServe consolidates data from business systems into smarter, more cost-effective internal and customer communications, quickly and easily. The result is lower cost, less complexity and a highly flexible platform that enables IT to empower line of business users to manage customer communications.
There’s a lot of valuable customer information buried in IT business systems. Don’t let it go to waste. StreamServe gives you the power to effectively leverage that information, to transform data into even more valuable customer communications. An enterprise, scalable and proven solution, StreamServe is used by IT departments in businesses the world over to automate the production of customer communications.
Legacy systems such as MESSAGEManager
In an announcement on 9th December, 2013 OpenText advised the ‘End of Sales of the MESSAGEmanager fax server to new customers’.
You can work with an Authorised Support Partner for technical support, software maintenance and ongoing system strategy, including upgrading to new platforms. Consider us for your next support renewal and / or commence a discussion around future system strategy and options.